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Change the way you think, & you just might change your life!

Shop “Girl Get Your Mind Right” for your daily dose of pick-me-up with a splash of “You got this!”

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“Resilience requires resistance.”

Shauntee b.  |  Founder


Who Is ShAUntee B?

STAY FLY, BE FIT and live LIVE RICH! That’s how Shauntee B. lives her life, and as a serial entrepreneur, her businesses reflect this.
Girl Get Your Closet Right, a posh women’s boutiques, is the brainchild of Atlanta businesswoman Shauntee B. Her lifelong love of fashion and shoes, along with a desire to empower other women, resulted in her creating the boutique.

Her mission began with her passion for empowering women. Her online empowering groups (including the popular “Girl, Get Your Mind, Body, & Business Right!), fitness challenges, affirmations, and events are all centered around the goal of helping women feel better about themselves, both inside and out. Shauntee B provides lifestyle essentials for your MIND, BODY, CLOSET and BUSINESS.
Her products, resources, and tools are all chosen to enhance your lifestyle and empower you for success in all areas: mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. And, of course, all while looking fly.

Early on, she had to learn that resilience required resistance. As a teenage mother, she survived an abusive marriage and began to forge a path ahead built on her own strength. Resisting all the negative influences in society, while making her own path to enrichment, has been Shauntee B’s mission. She’s taken on the great city of Atlanta by storm, hosting her signature event “A Night of Luxury,” a dinner party that celebrates women’s (“Her”) Black excellence.

From the Boutiques Wholesale Program, Mobile Boutique Services, Accountability Movement, and her continuing mission to raise awareness that women can do anything.
It’s all about the creed: STAY FLY, BE FIT and LIVE RICH. It’s all within your grasp as Shauntee B provides you with all the resources in one place. You deserve it, so why not join Shauntee B on the journey of a lifetime today.


Interested in wholesale?

Wan’t to open your own business, but have no clue where to get the merchandise? No Worries, When you become apart of the Lux Fashion Society you gain an all access pass to top quality merchandise at an affordable price!

Are you ready to be a Lux Girl?

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